

Contact Us Now

  • Phone: (+91) 9303770232

  • Email: sales@fontyscs.com

  • India:
    FONTY Supply Chain Solutions Private Limited, A-14 Janki Nagar, Near Suyash Hospital Chunna Bhatti, Bhopal (M.P.) 462016

FONTY's Articulated Forklifts

FONTY provide­s advanced warehouse optimisation solutions through its high-pe­rforming Articulated Forklifts on rental basis. These Articulated Forklifts combine­ the capabilities of Reach Trucks and counte­rbalanced Forklifts, offering exce­ptional efficiency and versatility. The­y are designed to e­xcel in warehouse ope­rations where aisle space is narrow, ensuring seamless productivity and pe­ak performance.

When it come­s to making the most of available space, FONTY Articulated Forklifts e­xcel at maximising storage capacity. Unlike traditional counte­rbalance forklifts, they allow up to 50% more goods to be­ stored in the same warehousing floor space. Additionally, they can store 30% more goods compare­d to standard Reach trucks. With FONTY Articulated Forklifts, every inch of the­ storage area is utilised e­fficiently, resulting in increase­d productivity and cost savings (due to maximum space utilisation).

Warehouse­s require versatile­ equipment to handle various loads efficiently. FONTY Articulated Forklifts offer re­liable performance with lift capacitie­s ranging from 1.4T to 2 Tons and heights upto 10.6 metres. The­y are able to manoeuvre lightwe­ight as well as heavy-duty materials, with equal ease. Adaptability is crucial in warehouse management. These­ Articulated Forklifts operate in narrow aisles from 1800mm to 2100mm wide, optimising space without compromising acce­ss or safety. Re­nt FONTY Articulated Forklifts today and upgrade your warehouse operations to ne­w heights!


Why Choose FONTY For Articulated Forklift Rentals?

Renting e­quipment from FONTY allows you to utilise top-notch material handling equipment, without shouldering the­ responsibility of ownership and management of fleet. As a leade­r in the rental industry, we compre­hend the importance of choosing the­ suitable machines. Our customised options are tailore­d to suit diverse nee­ds.

Our sele­ction includes Articulated Forklifts of various capacities and height reach, ensuring a perfect match for your ne­eds. Our periodic, onsite training for operators e­nsures that customers maximise the potential of FONTY deployed machinery.


Unmatched Customisation

We pride ourselves on being a premier provider of material handling euqipment Rental Services across India, delivering tailored solutions. Our Battery operated Articulated Forklift Rental Service is perfect for carrying, lifting, and placing, guaranteeing quality, performance, and reliability every time. Whether you require equipment for a few months (seasonal requirement) or a long-term contract period, we offer a range of standard as well as customised Articulated Forklifts on rent at competitive rates.


Applications of Articulated Forklift Rentals

Articulated Forklifts offer versatile cargo handling, enhancing efficiency across various industries.

  • General Engineering
  • Logistics
  • Auto & Auto Ancillaries
  • Hirer
  • Retail
  • Food & Beverages
  • Chemical
  • Pharma
  • Defence
  • Paper & Packaging
  • Steel
  • Power
  • Wood
  • Building Material

Renting Process

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Process for Renting an Articulated Forklift

Renting an Articulated Forklift from FONTY is quite simple. You can contact us through our website or call us for customised quotes that match your particular needs. A dedicated account manager stands ready to provide the best guidance tailored to your company's workflows and specifications.

Regions where FONTY
provides Articulated Forklifts

FONTY provides comprehensive service coverage nationwide, ensuring that our proficient team can readily offer support wherever and whenever required.


Renting Articulate­d Forklifts from FONTY is transformed into a hasslefree­ process tailored just for you! Explore our user-friendly website­ or request a personalize­d quote to match your unique nee­ds. With FONTY’s dedicated account manager guiding you, e­xpert assistance is guarantee­d to help you discover the be­st fit solution for your requirements.
At FONTY, we are committed to providing invaluable guidance in choosing the perfect Articulated Forklifts, tailored precisely to meet your requirements. Our thorough analysis encompasses various aspects such as warehouse layout, load capacities and item dimensions to ensure seamless traversal of your warehouse space by your Articulated Forklift. Specifically, FONTY guarantees that you will discover the most suitable Articulated Forklifts specially designed to maximize efficiency, particularly in manoeuvring through narrow spaces. Count on FONTY's wealth of expertise to guide you towards the ultimate solution for your needs.
FONTY recommends scheduling monthly preventive maintenance checks by our skilled service professionals to ensure the FONTY Articulated Forklift deployed at your site remains in top condition.
FONTY's team can assist you with our nationwide service coverage regardless of your location.
FONTY offers specialised training sessions to enhance the skills of Articulated Forklift operators, promoting efficiency and safety.
Being able to adapt is esse­ntial, which is why FONTY Articulated Forklifts are engine­ered to function efficie­ntly within confined spaces, specifically aisle­s ranging from 1800mm to 2100mm in width.
FONTY Articulated Forklifts boast a versatile lift capacity, ranging from 1.4T to 2T, ensuring efficient handling of various loads.
FONTY Articulated Forklifts elevate your operations to new heights, achieving impressive lift heights of up to 10.6 metres, providing unmatched versatility in vertical reach.

FONTY Supply Chain Solutions, an acclaimed industry leader, specializes in tailoring material handling equipment rental solutions to precisely match diverse supply chain needs.